Ever found yourself planning a lovely Aussie backyard barbie, only to have it gatecrashed by a swarm of pesky March flies? You’re not alone! These relentless biters are as much a part of our summer as the cricket and the scorching sun, but far less welcome.

March flies, known for their seasonal appearances during the warmer months, are a common fixture in various parts of Australia. While their presence is as predictable as the summer heat, their painful bites and incessant buzzing can turn any outdoor activity into an annoying ordeal. Understanding these little critters is the first step in reclaiming our backyards from their pesky presence.

Understanding March Flies

Problem Identification

March flies, often mistaken as just another summer pest, are indeed a bit more troublesome. Known scientifically as Tabanidae, these flies are notorious for their painful bites. Unlike mozzies that sneak a sip of your blood unnoticed, March flies are rather more direct. They cut into the skin to feed on your blood, leaving you with a sore, itchy spot. They’re not just a nuisance at your barbie; their bites can be particularly bothersome for those allergic to insect bites.

Common Habitats

In Australia, March flies have made themselves at home in a variety of environments. They’re particularly fond of damp, grassy areas such as marshes, wetlands, and even your lush, well-watered backyard. This preference for moisture is key to their breeding cycle, with females laying their eggs in or near bodies of water. So, if you’re living near the coast, a river, or have a pond in your backyard, chances are you’re in March fly territory.

Lifespan and Behaviour

Understanding the lifecycle of March flies helps in dealing with them effectively. Their life cycle includes four stages – egg, larva, pupa, and adult – and can take up to a year to complete, though the adult flies typically only live a few weeks. These adults are most active during daylight hours, particularly on calm, warm days.

Prevention Strategies


Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to March flies. The last thing you want is a backyard buzzing with these biters, turning your outdoor oasis into a no-go zone. By taking proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of a March fly invasion. Remember, it’s not just about comfort; it’s about enjoying the Aussie outdoors without the constant swatting and itching.

Home Maintenance Tips

The key to deterring March flies lies in disrupting their preferred breeding and living conditions. Here’s how you can make your home less inviting to them:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: March flies lay their eggs in moist environments. Regularly check and remove standing water in pots, gutters, and garden ornaments.
  • Keep Grass Short: Tall grass provides a perfect habitat for these pests. Keeping your lawn trimmed can make your backyard less appealing to them.
  • Proper Drainage: Ensure your garden and lawn have proper drainage to avoid water accumulation, which is ideal for March fly larvae.
  • Cover Water Sources: If you have water features or ponds, consider covering them or using water treatments to deter fly breeding.

Natural Repellents

In our battle against March flies, Mother Nature offers a helping hand with natural repellents that are effective and environmentally friendly:

  • Citronella: Widely known for its insect-repelling properties, citronella candles or oil can be a March fly deterrent.
  • Eucalyptus Oil: A staple in many Aussie homes, eucalyptus oil not only smells great but can also keep the flies at bay.
  • Lavender: This lovely plant repels March flies with its scent. Planting it around your garden can create a natural barrier.
  • Vinegar and Essential Oils: A mix of vinegar with a few drops of essential oils like peppermint or tea tree can make an effective spray.

By incorporating these preventive measures, you can enjoy the great Aussie outdoors without the uninvited guests.

Section 3: DIY Solutions for March Fly Control

Solution Introduction

Professional-grade traps, sprays, and other control methods offer a robust and often more convenient approach to managing March fly infestations.

These products are designed for efficiency, utilizing scientifically tested formulas and mechanisms to significantly reduce March fly populations.


Investing in commercial traps is a highly effective way to manage March flies. These traps are engineered to attract and capture flies with greater efficacy than homemade versions:

Types of Traps:

  • UV Light Traps: These use ultraviolet light to attract March flies and then trap them on a sticky board or electrocute them.

  • Baited Traps: Professionally designed with attractants that are irresistible to March flies, these traps lure them in and prevent their escape.

Ready-to-Use Sprays and Repellents

For immediate action, sprays and repellents offer a direct approach to March fly control:

Options Include:

  • Insecticide Sprays: Look for sprays specifically labeled for use against March flies. These can be applied around the perimeter of your home and in areas where flies are prevalent.
  • Personal Repellents: For personal protection, there are numerous skin-applied repellents available. Products containing DEET, Picaridin, or natural oils like lemon eucalyptus are effective against March flies.

Implementing Professional Solutions

  • Strategic Placement: Position traps in areas where March fly activity is high. UV light traps work best in darker areas where the light can attract flies effectively.
  • Regular Maintenance: Check and maintain traps according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Replace or refill as needed to ensure continuous protection.
  • Safe Application: Always follow the product guidelines when applying sprays or using repellents, particularly around children and pets.

By opting for professional solutions to control March flies, you can enjoy the outdoors and your home environment with fewer nuisances and disturbances. These methods, while more straightforward than DIY approaches, bring a level of effectiveness and convenience that can greatly enhance your quality of life during March fly season.


  1. Mix Ingredients: Combine the witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake Well: Ensure the mixture is well combined.
  3. Application: Spray around your home’s entry points, outdoor seating areas, and on clothing when outdoors.

Practical Tips

  • Timing: Apply repellents in the early morning or late afternoon when March flies are most active.
  • Reapplication: For homemade repellents, reapply every few hours for best results.
  • Location: Place traps away from outdoor living areas to draw March flies away.
  • Safety: When using essential oils, especially around kids and pets, make sure they are used in safe concentrations.

With these DIY solutions, you can effectively reduce the presence of March flies and enjoy your outdoor spaces more comfortably.

When to Seek Professional Help

Recognition of Limits

While DIY methods are great for managing a moderate number of March flies, sometimes the situation can get out of hand. If you find yourself facing a full-blown infestation, where your daily life is significantly disrupted, it might be time to call in the pros. This is particularly important if there are health concerns due to allergic reactions to bites, or if the infestation is affecting your business or quality of life.

Advice on Professional Services

Choosing the right pest control service is crucial for effectively dealing with a March fly infestation. Here’s what to consider when seeking professional help in Australia:

  • Research: Look for pest control services with good reviews and a solid reputation. A bit of online research or asking for recommendations from friends and neighbours can go a long way.
  • Experience with March Flies: Ensure the service has experience specifically with March flies, as different pests require different strategies.
  • Licensed and Insured: Always choose a licensed and insured pest control company to ensure quality and reliability.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: If you’re concerned about environmental impact, inquire about eco-friendly pest control options.
  • Clear Explanation of Services: A reputable company will clearly explain their treatment methods and what to expect.
  • Aftercare Services: Check if they offer follow-up services or advice to prevent future infestations.

Remember, dealing with an infestation promptly and effectively can save a lot of time, money, and stress in the long run. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if the situation calls for it.


In summary, while March flies can be a real nuisance in Australia, there are effective ways to manage them. Here’s a quick recap of the main strategies we’ve discussed:

  1. Understand Your Enemy: Know about March flies, their habitats, and behavior to effectively target them.
  2. Preventive Measures: Keep your environment less inviting to March flies by maintaining your home and garden, eliminating standing water, and using natural repellents.
  3. DIY Solutions: Use homemade traps and repellents to keep March flies at bay. Remember, these solutions are not only cost-effective but also eco-friendly.
  4. Professional Help: Recognize when a situation is beyond DIY control and don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.

We encourage you to try these DIY solutions and see the difference they make in your battle against March flies. Share your experiences, successes, or even funny stories in the comments below. Your feedback not only helps us but also our community of Aussie battlers against these pesky pests. Together, let’s enjoy our beautiful outdoors without the unwanted company of March flies!

FAQ Section

How long do March flies live? A: Adult March flies typically live for a few weeks, but their entire lifecycle from egg to adult can take up to a year.

Are March fly bites dangerous? A: While painful and itchy, March fly bites are generally not dangerous. However, they can be more problematic for people with allergies or sensitive skin.

Do DIY repellents work as well as store-bought ones? A: DIY repellents can be effective, especially if used correctly and reapplied regularly. They are a natural alternative to store-bought repellents.

Can March flies transmit diseases? A: In Australia, March flies are not known to transmit diseases to humans. Their primary concern is the discomfort and irritation caused by their bites.

Is it safe to use essential oils as repellents around pets and children? A: Essential oils should be used cautiously, particularly around pets and young children. It’s best to consult with a professional or conduct thorough research before use.

How can I make my yard less attractive to March flies? A: Maintain your lawn, remove standing water, and use natural repellents like citronella or eucalyptus oil around your garden to make it less inviting to March flies.

Resources and References

For more information on March flies and pest control methods, check out these resources:

  1. Australian Museum - March Flies
  2. CSIRO - Entomology
  3. Environmental Protection Agency - Safe Use of Repellents
  4. National Pesticide Information Center - Essential Oils
  5. Rural Health - Insect Bite Prevention

These links provide further reading on March flies, their impact, and various control methods, as well as important information on the safe use of repellents and pesticides.

Written by

Bruce the Kangaroo

I bring a wealth of expertise in Ruby on Rails and AI automation. Additionally, my experience extends to Project Management and various other disciplines.