European Wasp Traps - An Effective Solution for Controlling Wasp Infestations

European Wasp Traps: An Effective Solution for Controlling Wasp Infestations

European wasps can be a nuisance for many homeowners, especially during the summer months. These wasps are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, making them a threat to both people and pets. One effective way to deal with these pests is by using a European wasp trap.

A European wasp trap is a device designed to attract and trap these wasps, preventing them from causing any harm. These traps work by luring the wasps with a sweet and sticky bait, such as fruit juice or honey. Once the wasps enter the trap, they become trapped inside and are unable to escape.

When choosing a European wasp trap, it’s important to consider the type of bait that it uses. Some traps come with pre-made bait, while others require you to make your own. It’s also important to consider the size and capacity of the trap, as well as its durability and ease of use.

At the end of the day, a reliable European wasp trap can provide peace of mind and help keep your home and family safe from these pesky insects. In this article, we’ll be reviewing and testing various European wasp traps to identify the ones that are most effective and user-friendly.

Best European Wasp Traps

As the weather warms up, it’s not just the flowers that start to bloom. European wasps also become more active, which can be a nuisance for those of us who love to spend time outdoors. Luckily, there are plenty of effective wasp traps on the market to help keep these pesky insects at bay.

In this article, we’ve rounded up the best European wasp traps available on Amazon. Whether you’re looking for a traditional hanging trap or a more modern design, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find the perfect solution for your outdoor space.

Ethanberg Wasp Trap

If you want to safely and effectively get rid of wasps and other harmful insects in your garden, yard, or camping ground, the Ethanberg Wasp Trap is a great option to consider.


  • The multi-entry tunnel design enhances the capture capacity, making it difficult for insects to fly out once in the trap.
  • The sturdy base prevents water leakage, ensuring effective trapping of wasps and other harmful insects.
  • The trap is reusable, environmentally friendly, and safe, as it does not require any chemicals or poisons.


  • The trap may not work as effectively in areas with a high concentration of wasps and other insects.
  • The trap needs to be regularly cleaned and refilled with bait to maintain its effectiveness.
  • The trap may not be suitable for indoor use.

We recently tried out the Ethanberg Wasp Trap in our garden and were impressed with its effectiveness in trapping wasps and other harmful insects. The multi-entry tunnel design made it easy for insects to enter the trap, but difficult for them to fly out once inside. The sturdy base prevented any water leakage, ensuring that the trap remained effective even during heavy rain.

One of the best things about this trap is that it is reusable and environmentally friendly. We didn't need to use any chemicals or poisons, making it a safe option for our garden. We also appreciated that it was easy to clean and refill with bait.

However, we did notice that the trap may not work as effectively in areas with a high concentration of wasps and other insects. We also found that we needed to regularly clean and refill the trap with bait to maintain its effectiveness. Additionally, we wouldn't recommend using this trap indoors, as it could attract insects inside the house.

Overall, we would recommend the Ethanberg Wasp Trap to anyone looking for a safe and effective way to get rid of wasps and other harmful insects in their outdoor space.

EnviroSafe® Ultimate Wasp Trap with Bait Safe & Easy European Wasps Kill Hornet

If you're looking for an effective and easy-to-use wasp trap, we highly recommend the EnviroSafe® Ultimate Wasp Trap.


  • The trap is electric, making it more efficient in catching wasps and hornets.
  • The classic design of the trap is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
  • The trap comes with a bait safe, ensuring that the bait stays fresh and effective for longer periods.


  • The trap is designed specifically for wasps and hornets, which means it may not be as effective in catching other types of insects.
  • The trap requires electricity to function, which may limit its placement options.
  • The trap may need frequent cleaning and maintenance to ensure its effectiveness.

We recently used the EnviroSafe® Ultimate Wasp Trap in our backyard and were impressed with its performance. The electric feature of the trap made it more efficient in catching wasps and hornets compared to traditional traps. The classic design of the trap also added a touch of elegance to our backyard.

The trap comes with a bait safe, which is a convenient feature that ensures the bait stays fresh and effective for longer periods. This saves you time and effort in replacing the bait frequently. However, the trap is designed specifically for wasps and hornets, which means it may not be as effective in catching other types of insects.

One downside of the trap is that it requires electricity to function, which may limit its placement options. Additionally, the trap may need frequent cleaning and maintenance to ensure its effectiveness.

Overall, we highly recommend the EnviroSafe® Ultimate Wasp Trap for anyone looking for an effective and easy-to-use wasp trap. Its electric feature and classic design make it a great addition to any backyard.

RESCUE! WHY Trap for Wasps, Hornets, & Yellowjackets – Hanging Outdoor Trap

If you're looking for an effective and reusable wasp trap, the RESCUE! WHY Trap is a great option to consider.


  • Traps multiple species of insects, including wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets
  • Dual-chambered design restricts insects from escaping
  • Durable construction holds up for multiple seasons of use


  • May not work for all species of wasps or hornets
  • Attractant refills need to be purchased separately
  • Some users have reported low capture rates

We've used the RESCUE! WHY Trap in our backyard for several seasons now and have been impressed with its effectiveness in catching wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets. The dual-chambered design ensures that once the insects are inside, they can't escape. The trap is also durable and can be used season after season.

One potential downside is that the trap may not work for all species of wasps or hornets. Additionally, while the trap comes with a two-week supply of attractant, refills need to be purchased separately. Some users have also reported low capture rates, although we have not experienced this issue ourselves.

Overall, if you're looking for a reliable wasp trap that can be used season after season, the RESCUE! WHY Trap is a great option to consider.

Tuperoymse Solar Wasp Trap Outdoor Hanging

If you're looking for an effective and eco-friendly way to get rid of wasps around your home, the Tuperoymse Solar Wasp Trap Outdoor Hanging is worth considering.


  • The solar energy function allows the trap to operate 24/7 without the need for batteries.
  • The high trapping rate and no escape design ensure that once wasps enter the trap, they cannot escape.
  • The durable material and no-leak design make it suitable for use in various outdoor environments.


  • The yellow color of the trap may also attract beneficial insects like bees.
  • The trap may require frequent cleaning and refilling to maintain its effectiveness.
  • The size of the trap may not be large enough to accommodate a large number of wasps.

We were impressed with the Tuperoymse Solar Wasp Trap's ability to attract and trap wasps effectively. The solar energy function is a great feature, as it ensures that the trap can operate continuously without the need for batteries. The purple light emitted by the trap attracts wasps, and the dual effect of smell and light increases its effectiveness.

The trap's high trapping rate and no escape design ensure that once wasps enter the trap, they cannot escape. The two specially designed trap channels on the trap make it difficult for wasps to exit, and they eventually drown in the water or dehydrate.

The durable material and no-leak design make it suitable for use in various outdoor environments. The trap can withstand rain, wind, and high temperatures, and it is easy to clean and reusable. It can be hung anywhere, including terraces, back porches, around the yard, orchards, etc.

However, the yellow color of the trap may also attract beneficial insects like bees, which may not be ideal for those who want to preserve the bee population. The trap may also require frequent cleaning and refilling to maintain its effectiveness. Finally, the size of the trap may not be large enough to accommodate a large number of wasps.

Overall, the Tuperoymse Solar Wasp Trap Outdoor Hanging is a great option for those looking for an eco-friendly and effective way to get rid of wasps around their home.

Ljaglui Wasp Traps Outdoor Hanging

If you're looking for an effective and safe way to get rid of wasps, yellow jackets, flies, and other insects, then the Ljaglui Wasp Traps Outdoor Hanging is a great solution to consider.


  • The pear-shaped design with six entrances is efficient and unique, increasing the chances of trapping insects.
  • Made of durable and environmentally friendly ABS plastic material, this wasp trap is suitable for various weather conditions and can protect your garden, yard, and more from wasp infestations from spring to fall.
  • Easy to use and reusable - simply add a formulated natural non-toxic bait and hang the trap at an appropriate distance from your home where there are large numbers of insects.


  • The bright yellow color may attract other insects besides wasps and yellow jackets.
  • The small size of the trap may not be enough to handle a large wasp infestation.
  • The nylon rope provided for hanging the trap may not be durable enough for long-term use.

We found the Ljaglui Wasp Traps Outdoor Hanging to be an effective and safe solution for getting rid of wasps and other insects. The pear-shaped design with multiple entrances is unique and efficient, making it more likely to trap insects. The trap is made of durable and environmentally friendly material, suitable for various weather conditions, and can protect your garden, yard, and more from wasp infestations.

While the bright yellow color is great for attracting wasps and yellow jackets, it may also attract other insects. Additionally, the small size of the trap may not be enough to handle a large wasp infestation. The nylon rope provided for hanging the trap may not be durable enough for long-term use, so you may need to replace it with a stronger rope.

Overall, we recommend the Ljaglui Wasp Traps Outdoor Hanging for those looking for an easy-to-use and reusable solution to get rid of wasps and other insects in a safe and non-toxic way.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best European wasp trap, there are a few key features to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind before making your purchase:

Trap Type

There are several types of traps available, including baited traps, funnel traps, and bag traps. Baited traps use a sweet liquid to attract wasps, while funnel traps use a narrow entrance to trap wasps inside. Bag traps use a combination of attractants and a bag to catch wasps. Consider which type of trap will work best for your needs and location.


The capacity of the trap refers to how many wasps it can hold before needing to be emptied. If you have a large wasp problem, you may want to consider a trap with a larger capacity to avoid having to empty it frequently.


Look for a trap that is made of durable materials, such as plastic or metal, to ensure it will last for multiple seasons. Additionally, consider if the trap is weather-resistant and can withstand exposure to the elements.

Ease of Use

Choose a trap that is easy to set up and use. Some traps require specific bait or attractants, while others may have complicated assembly instructions. Look for a trap that is straightforward and user-friendly.


Consider the cost of the trap when making your decision. While some traps may be more expensive, they may also be more effective or have a longer lifespan. However, there are also affordable traps that can still get the job done.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best European wasp trap for your needs and effectively manage your wasp problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you construct an effective wasp trap at home?

Constructing an effective wasp trap at home is relatively simple. You can use a plastic bottle or jar and cut off the top third of it. Then, invert the top section and place it back on the bottle or jar. Finally, add a sweet liquid bait to the bottom section and hang the trap in a location where wasps are known to be active.

What are the most successful baits for attracting wasps to traps?

The most successful baits for attracting wasps to traps are sweet liquids, such as fruit juice, soda, or sugar water. Meat or protein-based baits can also be effective, but they may attract other insects as well.

What methods are recommended for safely eliminating European wasps?

We recommend using a professional pest control service to safely eliminate European wasps. Attempting to remove a nest on your own can be dangerous and may result in stings or further damage to your property.

Which wasp trap designs are most effective for capturing queens?

Wasp traps that are designed to capture queens are typically larger and have multiple entry points. These traps are often cone-shaped and have a narrow opening at the top to prevent the queen from escaping.

Where should you position wasp traps for optimal results?

Wasp traps should be positioned in areas where wasps are known to be active, such as near garbage cans or outdoor dining areas. They should be placed away from areas where people and pets frequently pass by to avoid accidental contact.

How do you deal with a European wasp nest?

Dealing with a European wasp nest should be left to professional pest control services. Attempting to remove a nest on your own can be dangerous and may result in stings or further damage to your property.

Written by

Bruce the Kangaroo

I bring a wealth of expertise in Ruby on Rails and AI automation. Additionally, my experience extends to Project Management and various other disciplines.